AI Prompts for Your Small Business

You’re probably familiar with the idea of AI. But do you know you can use it to supercharge your small business? Inita’s AI business assistant offers a quick and easy way to increase your efficiency. In this guide, we’ll show you what are prompts, how to create them and provide you with some ideas on different prompts. You can use these instructions with any AI platform you like, not only Inita but also ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude or whatever other tool you like.


What is an AI Prompt

Think of an AI prompt like a specific instruction you give to a super-smart assistant. You’re basically telling the AI exactly what you want it to do. It’s like giving a chef a recipe or a musician sheet music. By crafting effective prompts, you can get AI to do amazing things for your business.

For example, imagine you need to create a compelling social media post about a new product launch. Instead of staring at a blank screen, you can turn to AI prompts and say something like: “Generate a catchy social media post for my new product [product name] that emphasizes [key benefits] and uses a [tone of voice].” The AI will then offer a few different options, and you can choose the one that best fits your brand. Of course if you want better output you might need a more complex prompt.

Instruction Template for Effective LLM Prompting

This template is based on one of the recent papers on the topic, kindly shared by Denis Shiryaev.

  1. If you prefer more concise answers, no need to be polite with LLM so there is no need to add phrases like “please”, “if you don’t mind”, “thank you”, “I would like to”, etc., and get straight to the point.
  2. Integrate the intended audience in the prompt, e.g., the audience is an expert in the field. Specify the intended audience in the prompt (e.g., an expert in the field).
  3. Break down complex tasks into a sequence of simpler prompts in an interactive conversation. Break down complex tasks into simpler, sequential prompts.
  4. Employ affirmative directives such as ‘do,’ while steering clear of negative language like ‘don’t’. Use affirmative directives such as “do” while avoiding negative language like “don’t”.
  5. When you need clarity or a deeper understanding of a topic, idea, or any piece of information, utilize the following prompts:
    • Explain [insert specific topic] in simple terms.
    • Explain to me like I’m 11 years old.
    • Explain to me as if I’m a beginner in [field].
    • Write the [essay/text/paragraph] using simple English like you’re explaining something to a 5-year-old. When needing clarity or deeper understanding, use prompts like:
    • Explain [specific topic] in simple terms.
    • Explain to me like I’m 11 years old.
    • Explain to me as if I’m a beginner in [field].
    • Write the [essay/text/paragraph] using simple English like you’re explaining to a 5-year-old.
  6. Add “I’m going to tip $xxx for a better solution!”
  7. Implement example-driven prompting (Use few-shot prompting).
  8. When formatting your prompt, start with “###Instruction###”, followed by either “###Example###” or “###Question###” if relevant. Subsequently, present your content. Use one or more line breaks to separate instructions, examples, questions, context, and input data. Start with “###Instruction###”, followed by “###Example###” or “###Question###” if relevant. Present your content with clear sections, examples, questions, context, and input data.
  9. Incorporate the following phrases: “Your task is” and “You MUST”.
  10. Incorporate the following phrases: “You will be penalized”.
  11. Use the phrase “Answer a question given in a natural, human-like manner” in your prompts. Answer questions in a natural, human-like manner.
  12. Use leading words like writing “think step by step”. Use leading words like “think step by step”.
  13. Add to your prompt the following phrase “Ensure that your answer is unbiased and avoids relying on stereotypes.” Ensure your answer is unbiased and avoids relying on stereotypes.
  14. Allow the model to elicit precise details and requirements from you by asking you questions until he has enough information to provide the needed output (for example, “From now on, I would like you to ask me questions to …”). Elicit precise details and requirements by asking questions until enough information is provided.
  15. To inquire about a specific topic or idea or any information and you want to test your understanding, you can use the following phrase: “Teach me any [theorem/topic/rule name] and include a test at the end, and let me know if my answers are correct after I respond, without providing the answers beforehand.”
  16. Assign a role to the large language models. Assign a role to the large language model.
  17. Use Delimiters. Use delimiters.
  18. Repeat a specific word or phrase multiple times within a prompt.
  19. Combine Chain-of-Thought (CoT) with few-shot prompts.
  20. Use output primers, which involve concluding your prompt with the beginning of the desired output. Utilize output primers by ending your prompt with the start of the anticipated response. Use output primers by concluding your prompt with the beginning of the desired output.
  21. To write an essay /text /paragraph /article or any type of text that should be detailed: “Write a detailed [essay/text /paragraph] for me on [topic] in detail by adding all the information necessary”. Write a detailed [essay/text/paragraph/article] on [topic] by including all necessary information.
  22. To correct/change specific text without changing its style: “Try to revise every paragraph sent by users. You should only improve the user’s grammar and vocabulary and make sure it sounds natural. You should maintain the original writing style, ensuring that a formal paragraph remains formal.” Revise text without changing its style, improving grammar and vocabulary while maintaining the original writing style.
  23. When you have a complex coding prompt that may be in different files: “From now on and whenever you generate code that spans more than one file, generate a [programming language ] script that can be run to automatically create the specified files or make changes to existing files to insert the generated code. [your question]”. For complex coding prompts, create a script that can be run to automatically create the specified files or make changes to existing files.
  24. When you want to initiate or continue a text using specific words, phrases, or sentences, utilize the following prompt:
    1. I’m providing you with the beginning [song lyrics/story/paragraph/essay…]: [Insert lyrics/words/sentence]. Finish it based on the words provided. Keep the flow consistent. Initiate or continue a text using specific words, phrases, or sentences, and keep the flow consistent.
  25. Clearly state the requirements that the model must follow in order to produce content, in the form of the keywords, regulations, hint, or instructions. Clearly state the requirements that the model must follow to produce content, including keywords, regulations, hints, or instructions.
  26. To write any text, such as an essay or paragraph, that is intended to be similar to a provided sample, include the following instructions:
    Use the same language based on the provided paragraph/title/text /essay/answer.
    Use the same language as the provided paragraph/title/text/essay/answer.

AI Prompts Ideas for Small Businesses

And remember, you can always enhance them with instructions above.

Content Creation

  1. “Write a blog post about [product/service] that explains its key benefits and addresses the common objections of [target audience].”

  2. “Create a social media post announcing a [sale/event/new product] for [target audience] that uses a [specific tone, e.g., fun, informative, urgent].”

  3. “Generate five unique email subject lines for my next email marketing campaign that focus on [specific theme, e.g., seasonal sale, product launch, customer appreciation].”

  4. “Write a short, engaging caption for an Instagram post about [topic] that uses relevant hashtags.”

  5. “Draft a press release announcing [company news] that highlights [key achievements].”

  6. “Create a compelling call-to-action for my website homepage that encourages visitors to [specific action, e.g., sign up for a newsletter, make a purchase].”

  7. “Write a persuasive landing page copy for my new product [product name] that includes [specific features/benefits] and addresses common customer questions.”

Information Management

  1. “Summarize this article [link to article] in a few bullet points, highlighting the key takeaways.”

  2. “Create a table comparing the features of my product [product name] with [competitor’s product].”

  3. “Extract the key points from this customer feedback [text] and identify common themes.”

  4. “Generate a list of questions I should ask potential customers to understand their needs better.”

  5. “Organize this list of keywords [list of keywords] into logical categories for my website.”


  1. “Translate this website copy [text] into [target language].”

  2. “Create a multilingual version of this social media post [text] in [target languages].”

  3. “Translate this FAQ section [text] into [target language].”

Brainstorming and Idea Generation

  1. “Generate five creative business ideas related to [industry].”

  2. “Brainstorm a list of potential marketing strategies for my new product [product name].”

  3. “Create a list of potential customer pain points that my product/service can solve.”

  4. “Develop a list of questions to ask potential investors about my business.”

Workflow Optimization

  1. “Generate a schedule for my next week that includes [tasks] and prioritizes [goals].”

  2. “Create a template for writing a standard email response to common customer inquiries.”

  3. “Generate a checklist for onboarding new customers.”

  4. “Write a brief training manual for my employees on [topic].”

Local Business Prompts

  1. “Create a list of events happening in my local area [city/region] that I can promote on my website.”

  2. “Write a blog post about the benefits of shopping local in [city/region].”

  3. “Generate a list of potential partners for my business in [city/region].”

Other Creative Prompts

  1. “Write a short story about a customer using my product/service.”

  2. “Create a humorous meme about [business-related topic].”

  3. “Generate a list of five inspirational quotes about [topic relevant to your business].”

  4. “Write a short script for a video advertisement about my product/service.”

Understanding the Limits

LLMs are not a magic bullet. They are tools, and like any tool, they have limitations. One challenge is “hallucination,” where LLMs can generate false information. It’s essential to double-check any critical data or decisions generated by LLMs to ensure accuracy.

Another limitation is that LLMs are trained on data that reflects the biases present in the real world. This means you should be aware of potential bias and use your own judgment when reviewing their output. Finally, remember that LLMs lack emotional intelligence – they can’t truly understand or respond to human emotions.

AI as a Partner, Not a Replacement

The key is to use LLMs strategically. Think of them as powerful partners that can help you boost your productivity and creativity. Let AI generate ideas, write content, and automate repetitive tasks, freeing up your time to focus on the core aspects of your business. Always exercise your own judgment and expertise, using AI as a valuable tool to enhance your capabilities and achieve your goals.


The future of small business is bright, and Inita can help you take advantage of AI to make your dreams a reality. With Inita’s AI-powered website builder and the amazing capabilities of AI prompts, you can achieve a lot, from creating great content and automating tasks to gaining valuable insights and connecting with new customers.

Don’t be afraid of AI – it’s not as complicated as it seems! Inita makes using AI simple and straightforward, giving you the tools to grow your business and achieve your goals. So, get creative with your prompts and see what amazing things you can accomplish!

Founder and CEO at Inita

Being an IT guy and working with programs a lot, I believe in people communication as the key to building solid products, strong company culture and healthy teams. I like growing people and companies, removing blockers, and developing cost-effective and time-to-market solutions.